- 204″ width – upholstered in Barcelona Leather
- 204″ width – upholstered in Barcelona Leather
- Custom U-Shaped – upholstered in Heavy Metal Leather
The Jordan Banquette’s many design flourishes elevate its tightly upholstered L-shaped frame in subtle, yet elegant ways without sacrificing a traditional sense of comfort. Round bolster pillows, a robust wood plinth base and a pair of floating end tables are a few of the touches that provide the Jordan with its distinct sense of style. These various features, along with the overall dimensions and configuration, are completely customizable, perfectly suiting this banquette for all manner of hospitality, corporate and residential spaces.
Available in custom sizes.
This piece is shown upholstered in Provence leather in the colorway Ash Grey with the bolster pillows upholstered in Carle Velvet in the colorway Fired Copper.
W: 142″ D: 67″ H: 34″ SH: 17.75″