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At Jamie Stern Furniture, Carpet, Leather & Fabric, we strive to facilitate the design process by enabling absolute creative freedom. We view every project as an opportunity to prove ourselves to our customers and we do so by offering exceptional quality, reliable service and unprecedented flexibility. As a result, interior designers have been specifying our products on a wide array of hospitality, corporate and residential projects for nearly 40 years. At Jamie Stern, we believe that specifying design materials should not only be easy, it should also be fun!


Our mission is to provide interior designers with more say in the design process than they ever thought possible. We view our clients as true collaborators and work closely with them through each stage of product specification. We own and operate many of our own production facilities while also maintaining long-standing partnerships with artisan producers around the world. By controlling the manufacturing process ourselves, we eliminate long-standing obstacles such as excessive price points and drawn-out lead times.

By building strong relationships with our clients and providing them with full access to our extensive manufacturing capabilities, we have refined the design process, making it more direct and personalized. The end result ensures that standard and custom projects alike are executed professionally and capture the designer’s entire creative vision.


“From my earliest years in the design industry, I observed a real lack of flexibility in terms of both design capabilities and price points. High-end showrooms and standard binders were the norm and severely limited designers’ creative freedom. I felt that if I could create a company that controlled the manufacturing process, I could address these concerns and provide designers with unlimited options. I knew there were designers who thrived on creativity but were often held back by budgets and inflexible standard programs. I wanted them to come to me for solutions to a myriad of design needs, from color and style to dimensions and price point. That was true 40 years ago and it’s still true today.”

-Jamie Stern

Meet with your Jamie Stern representative.

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